These stories are entirely works of fantasy fiction. Please do not act anything on this blog out. Doing so would be extremely dangerous.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Signs in the Woods

Twenty five year old David, his T-shirt clinging to his sweat soaked chest, leaned against a tree to catch his breath, running a hand through his blond hair in an effort to cool himself down. David was fairly fit, years of cross country running had sculpted his six foot body, especially his muscular legs. However, the weight of his overloaded backpack combined with the midday heat was oppressive even for him.

"Come on!" he called out to his approaching younger brother.

Tyler rolled his eyes as he slowly trudged toward his brother. Tyler was only twenty, and although he was as tall as his athletic older brother, he wasn't in nearly of good of shape. He easily weighed fifty pounds more, most of it in his stomach, and considered taking the stairs instead of the escalator at the mall constituted excise. As he approached, his husky frame weighed down by an equally large camping sack, he gave his older, fitter brother a scowl.

David had planned this brothers' camping trip as a legitimate way for the two quite opposite brothers to bond but his good intentions were totally lost on Tyler, who saw the trip as a blatant reminder he was the gimpy younger brother in his athletic, popular brother's shadow.

"How much further," Tyler was barely able to get out as he stopped as his brother's side panting heavily.

"Just a few more miles,"

Tyler rolled his eyes and the two continued on. A short while later they came across a line of sycamore trees, each with bold red 'No Trespassing' signs affixed to their trunks. David gave the wall of signs a quizzical look.

"What is it? Are we lost?" Tyler asked, taking a bit of satisfaction at his perfect brother's plight.

David pulled out his small map and studied it for several minutes.

"I told you we should have just used GPS..."

"Not now, Tyler," David said, trying to mask his frustration at his know it all brother, "We must have gotten turned around somewhere. Let's just cut through here."

David finished pointing directly toward the 'No Trespassing' signs.

Tyler was about to protest, but David was already several feet beyond the signs. The two continued on for several hours, the sun was starting to set and they were still wandering apparently in the wrong direction. Tyler had expected to be back at the car hours ago and was becoming openly impatient with this brother's refusal to acknowledge that he'd messed up.

"Are we lost?" Tyler said, stopping abruptly and plopping down, the weight of his knapsack starting to take a toll.

"No. We just... I think we're headed in the right direction."

"You think? You think?" Tyler said, raising his voice, "We're not all wonder jocks like you. I'm dyin' here. I can't just keep going in circles because you think..."

"Hey!' came an extremely agitated sounding deep voice.

David and Tyler both turned to see a large man, easily just shy of seven foot and quite broad, approaching with surprising speed. The man had ghostly pale skin which contrasted dramatically with his long, black ratty hair. A dark red plaid shirt was draped over his muscular frame. As he approached, it became apparent that his face was horribly disfigured, perhaps scarred, as if he had been in a fire or accident.

Tyler stood up quickly and stood slightly behind his brother, as if instinctively wanting his protection.

"Look buddy, we got lost. We're just..."

"Did you not see the signs?" the man roared, stopping just feet from the two.

David's heart raced, and Tyler grimaced, as the horribly disfigured man eyed them suspiciously. He was huge, perhaps weighing as much as two hundred fifty pounds, and quite muscular, huge biceps bulging the short sleeves of his shirt. The man was standing slightly crooked, as if one of his tree trunk legs was shorter than the other, and he was breathing heavily.

"We're just lost. We'll ..." David tried to explain.

The man took another step toward them, raising his fists. David stepped forward and without thinking pushed his younger brother further behind him.

"Look, buddy. We're sorry, Just point us out of here and we'll be on our way."

The man didn't say anything as he unexpectedly lunged at David, knocking him effortlessly to the ground. Tyler jumped back as the large stranger began pounding his huge fist into David's handsome face.

"Run Tyler!"

Tyler lunched on top of the stranger, but was easily knocked aside, hitting his head on a rock. He looked up into the canopy in a daze before passing out.

When he came to, his head still groggy, Tyler found himself tied to a tree. His arms and ankles were securely tied behind the trunk, leaving him totally exposed. He looked down to see he had been totally stripped, his soft stomach was bruised and sore as if he had been beaten further after he had passed out. His large, pendulous nuts dangled five inches below his spread legs.

Tyler looked around in confusion, trying to figure out where he was. The sun was still stetting, so he figured that not too much time could have passed since they ran into the Stranger. He glanced to his right to see David was tied to another tree a few feet away in similar fashion. David was stripped naked, his toned, muscular body in stark contrast to Tyler’s. David's balls were slightly smaller and rounder than his brothers and were much tighter against his body, his scrotum bulging out from under this cock like a fleshy orange. His face was bruised and bloody and it looked as if he was still passed out.

"David," Tyler shouted, "David wake up!"

David continued to hang from the tree motionless as Tyler began to frantically struggle against his constraints. The bonds barely yielded even after several minutes of Tyler's struggling.

"Help!" he shouted.

"Shut up!" came the familiar voice of the Stranger from behind.

The man's footsteps were uneven as he came from around the trees and stood directly in front of Tyler. The Stranger smelled putrid and his disfigured face was even more hideous up close. He had a wild glint in his eye, like a deranged character from a horror movie, as he spoke.

"I'm gonna' have fun with you,"

Tyler had to turn his head to avoid gagging on the man's foul breath. The Stranger reached out and cupped Tyler's defenseless, swinging sack in his large hand and gave it a devastating squeeze.

Tyler struggled and let out a blood curdling scream as he felt his manhood being compressed flatter and flatter... and flatter. He had never experienced anything so painful in his entire life. He threw up as the man's hand continued to mercilessly squash the young man's balls into each other.

"Stop! Don't hurt him!" David screamed crying. He was still obviously quite groggy, but awake enough to be aware of what was going on.

The Stranger released Tyler's now red balls and walked in his awkward, jilted manner over to the bound muscular blonde. He had barely reached David when he balled his fist and sent it crashing into David's mounding sack. David howled, his muscles useless in helping him escape, a the Stranger withdrew his arm and sent his fist crashing into the helpless sack over and over.


Each perfectly aimed impact made a sickening, wet splat into the jiggling nut sack. David's head rolled and he screamed uncontrollably as he felt the powerful blows were laying waste to his sex life. Tyler could only watch in horror as his older brother’s nuts were being reduced to paste. The beating continued non stop for nearly ten minutes and Tyler was sure his brother's nuts were being permanently wrecked. The wet splats were getting softer with each impact and David's sack was turning black and purple. It was swollen to an an enormous proportion, each nut now the size of an egg and straining against the skin of the now over filled sack.

"Stop! Please stop!" Tyler screamed as he watched his pain wracked brother finally pass out. But the Stranger just kept pounding.

Finally, a few minutes later, David's sack was visibly flatter but apparently still intact, the Stranger stopped and stepped back. Tyler looked over at his brother pleading him to wake up, but David's body looked especially limp. Had he died?

"Your turn," the Stranger said in an evil laugh as he walked over to Tyler.

Tyler screamed and attempted to close his legs to no avail. The Stranger just ignored him and pulled a small object out of his back pocket, fumbling with it in his large but apparently uncoordinated hands, before turning so that Tyler could see what it was.

Tyler instantly pissed himself when he was the small gun the Stranger was holding. Tyler couldn't tell if the gun itself was abnormally small or if the Stranger's fat hands just made it look that way. Th Stranger stood back several feet from Tyler, his hideous face gnarled in concentration as he took careful aim at Tyler. Tyler begged and pleaded until...


A high pitched boom, more like a 'pop' cracked through the air followed almost immediately by a sharp stinging in Tyler's left pec. Tyler looked down, expecting to see a bullet wound but instead found a large welt had formed...


Tyler writhed as two more sharp pains struck his left thigh and right arm, followed by more welts. He quickly realized the abominable stranger was using him as a pellet gun target.


Tyler was totally defenseless as the tiny metal pellets pelted his body. Huge, red welts marked his body and the stinging pain of each impact was driving him crazy. But the pellets were being fired from too far away to do any real damage...


The Stranger let out a sound half way between a squeal and a laugh as a pellet landed squarely on Tyler's right nut. He could feel the pellet trying to tear into his testicle's membranes, filling his crotch with an incredible pain. His entire sack instantly bruised...


Three more pellets found Tyler's right nut which was now rapidly swelling. Each pellet was digging deeper and deeper into the assaulted nut, though the skin hadn't broken yet. Tyler looked down as he felt a peculiar flushing sensation in his sack. The right side of the sack was now swollen to three times its normal size and it was apparent he was now bleeding inside his sack.. Had his testicle ruptured?

The Stranger took several large steps closer and began firing again.


Pellets landed all over Tyler's body, only this time leaving even nastier bruises as the shortened distance increased the force of each impact. Tyler's entire body was turning blue and black and he screamed and struggled to escape.


A well-aimed pellet to his throat instantly silenced him. For a moment Tyler thought he was going to suffocate from a collapsed throat, but he was able to slowly catch his breath as the initial shock and pain died down.

The Stranger took a few more steps closer to his target and was now standing less than three feet away from Tyler. Tyler, his voice still hoarse from the previous pellet to the throat, pleaded with the man to let him and his brother go. He looked over at the still passed out David and shuddered to this what kind of damage the Stranger could do to him in his utterly defenseless position.


The Stranger fired pellets directly into Tyler's sack. Tyler's entire world seemed to melt away, so consuming was the pain of having his nuts used as a point blank pellet gun target. The pellets were now breaking the skin with each impact and his swollen scrotum was literally being torn to shreds. Tyler writhed and screamed but the Stranger just kept firing...


Each pellet impact into his exposed crotch made a wet splat that echoed through Tyler's head. His sack was now dripping blood from the numerous open welts. That's when the Stranger took a final step and extended the gun in his arm. The barrel was touching Tyler's sack. Tyler looked into the man's eyes, shuddering at the awful appearance. Tyler closed his eyes tightly as he saw the man's finger twitch on the trigger...


To Tyler's surprise, nothing happened. The man grunted and reached into his pocket to retrieve more bullets. After the pellet gun was reloaded, he walked away from Tyler casually and took position in front of David, who was still passed out. He rose the barrel of the gun so that it was just touching the hunky study's swollen left testicle...

"Nooo! Please don't !" Tyler screamed as he helplessly watched his brothers' nuts about to be destroyed.


The Stranger fired three pellets which instantly lodged inside of David's meaty left nut. David's eyes shot open and he let out a horrendous howl, looking down to see his sack had been blown open.

His muscular chest rippled as he heaved and begged by the Stranger to stop, but the Stranger just moved the gun to the other nut and fired...


David's right nut fractured in the sack as the pellet tore through his scrotum. David cried out then passed out again, unable to handle the nightmare he was in. The Stranger grinned and took a step back, firing from slightly further away into the torn open scrotum.


A pellet collided directly with the left testicle...


Another pellet tore into the chunks of his ruined right testicle.


Pellet after pellet turned the jocks' nuts into a shredded, gory mess and Tyler could do nothing to stop it. ti was obvious David's sex life was over as a final pellet shattered his right testicle which was now hanging outside of the torn apart sack. The Stranger was giggling as he continued to mutilate the defenseless stud. Tyler was pleading for mercy and struggling as hard as he could against his constraints... then he felt something.

The knot around his ankles had broken in his struggle!


The stranger fired a final pellet that disposed of a fleshy lump that was hanging by a thread between David's muscular legs. His testicles had been reduced to a stain on a tree trunk. The Stranger, realizing he had nothing let to use as a target, roughly grabbed David's cock and jammed the barrel of the gun into his piss slit. David's head rocked back and forth slightly..


A pellet tore through the length of David's cock, causing irreparable damage to the shaft as it traveled the length, getting lodged at the base. Tyler continued to struggle as the Stranger moved the pellet over David's face.


A close range pellet caused a shower of blood to erupt from David's broken nose.

The Stranger rose the gun and hovered the barrel just inches from David's right eye. Tyler let out a scream as he felt his last constraints break. He fell to the ground and raced toward his brother...


A pellet flew harmlessly into the canopy, the gun knocked away at the last moment as Tyler lunged at the Stranger. The Stranger was knocked to the ground, Tyler on top of him, pummeling his disfigured face with angry, ill aimed but viciously powerful punches.

The Stranger laughed as he effortlessly tossed the much smaller young man off of him. The two scuffled for a bit before David awoke, his mind still too clouded with terror and pain to fully understand what was happening. His kid brother wielding a large stick, was charging at the large Stranger who now looked genuinely terrified. The Stranger fired wildly at Tyler as he approached, hitting him several times but doing nothing to slow down Tyler's rage induced speed. There was an audible whoosh as Tyler swung the heavy branch with a force David' didn't think was possible from his younger brother.

Tyler let out a war like howl as he and the Stranger collided. David looked down as his bleeding destroyed crotch. The pain was infinitely greater than anything he had ever felt before, but his cries were muted by his terror.

'No! Please!' the Stranger screamed.

There were several loud BOOMS and a truly disturbing, gargled scream as David passed out...

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you do a story on someone who has Polyorchidism - 3 balls = 3x the fun.
    - MC


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