These stories are entirely works of fantasy fiction. Please do not act anything on this blog out. Doing so would be extremely dangerous.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Poppin' Tom Holland's Ball Busting Cherry

Tom Holland paced on the sound stage, checking his watch as it approached noon. His twin younger brothers Sam and Harry had invited him to a filming of a new pilot they were filming and by the look of the living room and bedroom sets it appeared to be some kind of family-oriented sitcom. The sets however, were abandoned and the studio audience risers were empty. There was no crew to be seen. Something about this wasn't right.

"Where are they?" he sighed and he was about to pull out his phone to call them again when suddenly, the stage lights came on full.

Tom, who had been standing in the middle of the fake living room, was temporarily blinded as he heard two sets of footsteps approaching along with familiar laughter.

"Hey, Tom!" came Harry.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Sam apologized.

The usual soft-cornered Tom still had his jagged, almost mean looking build and persona he had adapted for Cherry. He found that he liked his hair cropped and was wearing a tight light green t-shirt and tan pants that showed off his slim, fit body. If it weren't for the feel-good set decorations, Tom would have looked like he was getting ready to shoot another scene from Cherry.

Tom's annoyance at the twins tardiness quickly melted away and he gave Sam and Harry a big hug. He always loved seeing them and his brotherly love blinded him to the oddness of the situation. Sam and Harry had masterfully spun a lie that the week's shoot was canceled due to a suspected COVID-19 exposure but they hadn't found out until Tom was already on his way. They told him that they decided to just keep the mini family reunion as scheduled and would invite him back when their show started filming again. Tom didn't think anything off with their explanation. 

As the three brothers chatted, Harry ducked away and started fiddling with a stage's camera rig and Tom didn't notice the red record light starting to blink. When Harry returned to the group, he and Sam stopped talking and only grinned at Tom. Tom looked at them suspiciously.

"What is this?"

Sam picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned on the living room set's television. Tom instantly recognized the scenes playing on loop; they were all nut shots from Cherry, including some of the more harsher blows that hadn't made it into the final movie. Tom's face grew more suspicious as Sam and Harry's grins became even more shitfaced.

"What is this?" Tom asked again.

"Well, mum was pretty upset that you took that role," Sam started.

"And you know how much we hate seeing her upset. That was a dick move you did," Harry grinned. He was trying to sound self-righteous but his grin was giving him away.

Tom took a step back but was blocked by Sam who had maneuvered behind him.

"Remember our pact? Whenever one of us upsets mum or dad, his brothers get to knock him down a peg,"

Tom's eyes grew huge. He vaguely remembered the stupid 'pact' they had made years ago after a disastrous Mother's Day where a poorly thought out prank left their poor mother in tears. Tom tried to explain that he had taken the role to expand this repertoire and move away from his good boy image but it quickly became obvious that Sam and Harry had already made up their minds.

Without warning, Harry sent his shoe slamming into Tom's crotch. Tom's eyes crossed and Harry winced as he felt his big brother's sagging nuts squashed under his foot. Tom's knees buckled and he looked at Harry pleadingly.



Tom's eyes bugged out as his younger brother squashed his balls again. Tom sank to his knees, clutching his crotch as the two brothers stood over him chuckling. Sam lifted Tom to his feet and held his arms behind his back, but being a good older brother, Tom was going to play along regardless. 

"So how many more kicks should he get?" Harry asked Sam.

"Lets see. Cherry has six letters, so I'd say six," Sam laughed.



Tom's eyes crossed as his fat nuggets were crushed again. Man, I should have worn underwear, he thought.


Tom let out a high pitched scream as Harry let out a full-force kick. Harry was more athletic than people gave him credit for so his legs were more than capable of knocking Tom off the family tree. Tom's face was turning red and he tried to keep up a good front as Harry reared back and sent his shoe sailing again.


"Not so hard!" Tom screamed. He was all for playful busting but Harry wasn't holding back and his cracking nuts were throbbing. However, a naughty little voice in the back of his head actually wanted him to egg Harry on to go harder. 


Tom let out a funny scream and Harry laughed as he felt Tom's big nuts flatten under his shoe, crunching them into Tom's pelvis. Tom's balls were already large but Harry swore the big bruisers were starting to swell, and Tom's lack of underwear meant that Harry could feel in exquisite detail as his brother's stones were crumbling.

Tom's face was beet red. He was screaming and trying to break free from Sam's grip. He could have easily overpowered Sam but - being the playful older brother - wasn't putting his full effort into it. His balls were screaming for mercy and pleading with Tom's brain to take the threat to his reproductive abilities more seriously. 



Tom's knees buckled as his nuts were nearly cracked. Sam struggled to hold Tom upright on his shaky knees and Harry grinned. His shoe had obliterated Tom's nuts. They were swollen and red inside his tan slacks and his red face was starting to sweat. But it wasn't all from pain. Tom was blushing. The young Hollywood star's cock was starting to swell faster than his nuts and Harry stepped back laughing his ass off as Tom's cock got harder and harder with each heart beat until it was fully hard, the comical tent on full display for the camera. Fuck, I really should have worn underwear, Tom thought. 

"Okay, big bro, last kick. Are you ready?" 

Harry took several steps back, nearly exiting the living room set, and Tom's eyes grew wide in terror.

"Harry, no!" Tom had seen his brother send a guy's balls to testicle heaven during a wild game of roshambo and the finishing blow had started something like this.

Harry took a running start and sent his foot flying but stopped short of making contact. Ironically the tent in Tom's shorts got bigger as his cock got harder in excitement. Sam and Harry were roaring in laughter as Harry threatened Tom's nuts again and again. Incredibly, instead of shriveling in fear, Tom's cock was hard as a steel pole, eager for the terminal blow.

"I think he likes it!" Harry laughed.

"Ha, ha, very funny, nerd," Tom was laughing along, his balls still throbbing, but confident that Harry's reign of terror had ended. 


Tom let out a falsetto yodel as the hardest kick of the day slammed into his tenderized baby makers, squashing them dangerously flat. Luckily Tom couldn't see the horrible bruise that had erupted all over his right nut, otherwise his screams would have been even more frantic. Sam let his brother finally fall to his knees and Tom cupped his boys, crying and letting out hilarious modulated yelps. Sam and Harry stood in front of him laughing hysterically and pointing. 

"Holy Christ!" Sam got out through breathless laughter.

"He's leaking!" 

Tom's face flushed in embarrassment. The last kick had been just what he needed and his cock had fired off a jet of sticky pre-cum that was clearly visible in the front of this slacks, oozing out beyond the protective cone his hands were making. Fuck! I really should have worn underwear, he thought through waves of nauseating pain.

The two brothers whispered amongst themselves as Tom slowly regained his composure and got to his wobbly feet. He stood there looking at them suspiciously as Sam turned and grinned.

"Actually, I think the press was calling that movie Cherry Featuring Tom Holland. How many letters is that?"

The two twins playfully spelled out the full name: Twenty-five letters. Tom's face dropped but his cock started leaking like crazy. 

"Guys..." he sighed, dutifully spreading his legs and putting his arms behind his back. Sam took up his position behind him, this time locking Tom's arms firmly in place; he had a feeling Tom's struggling was going to really pick up on the next round.

"Okay, twenty-five kicks!" Harry laughed, preparing for a running start.

Tom closed his eyes and braced himself as his cock twitched.



To be fair, after Harry had gotten in his twenty-five kicks, Sam also got a turn, though Sam only made it ten kicks in before Tom's cock finally exploded, spraying a big batch of Spidey web that made a huge gooey stain in his slacks that ran down his legs. That hadn't stopped Sam from carrying out his turn, ramming his knee rapidly fifteen more times into Tom's busy balls. Tom was giving quite the operatic performance as he sang a full-throated soprano in requiem to his battered balls. It took Tom nearly a half hour to recover and the three brothers laughed as they left the set.

That night, Tom sat in his hotel room holding a bag of ice on his ridiculously swollen nuts. They were twice as large as normal, making them look absolutely huge, and were purple and red. They looked awful but were otherwise fine and would be ready to be crushed again the next time Harry and Sam were feeling cheeky. 

As he sat nursing his nuts he got a text from his furious agent telling him to check social media. Tom groaned as he saw that his brothers had posted the raw video of their assault on his manhood which had been quickly remixed by multiple clever video editors. Some mixes had funny music, some had sound effects. Others included zoomed-in close ups of the outline of Tom's large nuts clearly visible in his pants bouncing under each blow. One of the remixes focused on Tom's incredible cum shot, showing a split screen of his handsome face wracked in ecstasy as his body convulsed and his nuts were crushed. The comments were hilarious and ruthless.

"No kids for Spider Man!" someone commented.

"Harder, Harry!" said another.

"I think he likes it!" someone else commented with water-drops emojis. 

Even though his nuts were throbbing, Tom couldn't help but chuckle at his fan's reaction to having his nuts cracked. If his mainstream career ever took a dive, at least he would still have a shot in kink porn. Just the thought of being a featured model at Ball Busting Boys or even Shot Gun was making Tom's cock start to rage - and his swollen nuts shiver in terror.

Suddenly, Tom's face turned ultra red. He recognized the screen name of one of the commentators.

The poster had written "I hope his mother didn't want grand kids,"

It was his mother. 

Tom rolled his eyes and chuckled as he dialed his mum.

"Why hello, Tom!" 

His mother had clearly been laughing when she picked up the phone, barely getting out the words through her laughter. Tom's face was blood red.

"Happy mother's day..." he started.

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