Just moments before the commercial break leading into round three ended Dominik turned off his microphone so that he was only audible to the contestants on stage and not the crowd.
“Guys, we’re about to up the stakes for the next round! If any of you wanna duck out that’s fine,”
Dominik cut Kabe an uncharacteristically thoughtful look. The handsome stud ground his teeth together in a desperate attempt to maintain his composure. Dominik looked over at Nigel longingly; half of him wanted to turn the handsome man’s nuts into a stain and the other wanted to cut him down, carry him backstage and fuck each other senseless. Dominik had to stay neutral for the sake of the game but his heartstrings were being tugged at by Nigel and his fleeting sense of humanity was being poked by Kabe’s tortured yells, though he was also feeling bad for Juan and his ridiculously swollen eggs and Raphael’s black and purple welted sack. Before the music signaled the start of the next round, Dominik secretly hoped at least one of the contestants would bow out before it was too late. Then again, he also wanted to crack some sacks open.
Before the round started, Dominik was handed a new chrome mallet. It was notably heavier than his wooden mallet and its gleaming surface made it look beefier and more damaging. Dominik sized up this new mallet in his hands and his eyebrows cocked in satisfaction; this thing is gonna leave a mark, he chuckled to himself.
“Welcome back to Nutsack Knockout!” Dominik announced in a booming voice to signal the beginning of round three.
Kabe was shaking and sweating, Zach looked like he was seriously having second thoughts and Lorenzo seemed to be literally praying with his eyes closed in contemplation, his massively swollen nuts weighing even lower in his stretched bag. Even though he had given all the players to quit if they wanted to, Dominik was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with laying waste to nuts that were totally defenseless; however any trepidations he had were quickly laid to rest as he eyed all twenty swollen, bloated and unprotected nuts. Afterall, he had given them a chance to escape.
As normal, Juan was the first up to take his hits. Unlike last round where he only had three hits, this time he had been punished with twenty hits. His twenty-five year old muscle nuts were pounded with unforgiving force. Juan’s facade of calm was totally shattered by the fifteen blow.
His fat Latin nuts were compressed dangerously under the heavier mallet. Dominik wasn’t holding back, swinging the massive mallet with both hands, raining utter devastation onto Juan’s nuts.
“Oooh!” Juan screamed as he felt his left nut crack. It wasn’t a catastrophic failure, just a series of cracks along the beefy outer wall of his nut that had radiated out after a hammer blow.
Juan yodeled as his left nut’s damaged shell was pushed to the breaking point. The red and purple bruises on his huge swollen sack didn’t convey the level of damage happening inside; his nut might survive just another round or two before they finally burst. He still had seventy points but he doubted his nuts could survive seventy more hits.
“I think I might’ve broken one!” Dominik taunted as the audience cheered.
Lorenzo only had three hits this round but the mallet was so much heavier that each blow was starting to do real damage to his swollen nuts.
“Please stop!” Lorenzo screamed after only the second blow. Dominik knew he had one more hit to deliver, and the ravenous crowd was chanting for it, but he was feeling a tad guilty. This new mallet was a surprise even to him and he could tell from the weight that the game had just entered a new phase.
“Oh well..” he thought as he delivered the last devastating blow to Lorenzo’s screaming nuts. His massively swollen sack was purple and black and the throbbing pain coming from deep inside was making his stomach turn.
Next up was Alex who only got one hit to his enormous low hangers. He squealed as his dick shot off a rope of precum so thick at first Dominik thought he had literally beaten the cum out of Alex’s sack. Despite the pain, Alex’s ten inch monster cock was throbbing and heaving, a long rope of precum dangling off his swollen mushroom head. Alex threw his head back and moaned. He was so close Dominik wished he had another hit this round.
“Looks like this one’s about to burst!” Dominik teased as the camera zoomed in on his spasming cock. Alex’s brain was a fog of agony and lust as his dicked pulsed up and down, desperate to stimulate itself to an orgasm.
Kabe was up next. Dominik winked at him as he held the hefty mallet in his hands. Kabe was sweating. He was due seventeen hits in a row, more than the number of hits he had endured in the first two rounds combined.
“Count along with me!” Dominik shouted to the audience.
Kabe yodeled in a defeated falsetto as the audience counted after each hit in a jarring sing-song voice.
“Oh yeah... fifteen! Two more stud!”
Kabe’s already huge nuts had swollen so much they were now almost the largest on the stage and hanging a full inch lower than when the game started, but despite the swelling and rosy color they looked otherwise fine. Dominik was impressed at the tattooed stud’s resilience as he delivered the final blow, an absolutely devastating hit that compressed Kabe’s fat sack to less than half its girth. The air was knocked out of Kabe’s lungs and the audience was rolling with laughter as the final blow was played on a loop on the screens.
Raphael and Diego got ten hits and fifteen respectively. Raphael screamed and screamed as the black welts covering his teenage sack spread over the surface of this hairless bag, the underlying skin was entirely purplish red and his left nut was swelling noticeably more than the right.
“I think I’m about to crack his teenage dreams!” Dominik laughed before he delivered the final blow.
The screens showed a split screen of Raphael’s sack bouncing as it was struck from underneath and a look of horror and surprise on the handsome lad’s face. His nuts were trapped against the unyielding rings and were compressed flatter and flatter and flatter. His eyes bugged out and he let out a deep gravelly yell just as his left nut cracked.
It hadn’t broken into pieces but inside his bag the entire circumference of his left testicle was shattered by a long contiguous crack like an egg that had been tapped against the side of a bowl but not quite torn in two.
Diego didn’t fare much better. His right nut was being covered with micro fractures as his fleshy sack bounced between the mallet and the wall; if Dominik stopped now - as in immediately - Diego's nuts would make a full recovery. Diego’s spiked blonde hair was matted to his forehead as sweat poured down his body before dripping from his hanging nut sack.
Zach took ten blows to his swelling nuts like a champion, not even screaming until the fifth blow. His rock hard seven inch pussy pounder was throbbing as precum was literally pounded out of his bag. Although he was mostly screaming in pain, Dominik picked up on some involuntary moans escaping the handsome blonde’s lips. The giant screen was showing a close up of Zach’s playing on a loop; between the hollering from getting his nuts worked over he looked like a porn star about to pop his load. His lips were parted, his eyes were rolled up in his head and his breathing was shallow.
“Blow that load! Blow that load!”
The audience quickly broke into a chant as Dominik delivered the final blows.
Zach screamed at the top of his lungs as his cock twitched violently. His face was a mask of agony but his cock was clearly in its own world as precum oozed from the head despite the fact his delicate nuts were being mercilessly flattened.
The mallet became a blur as Dominik delivered the last four hits in rapid succession, sandwiching Zach’s busy balls against the hard wooden backstop. He screamed as he felt something pop deep in his left nut, yet his cock was firing off thick ropes of jizz that were flying in all directions as his spent cock was bounced along with the rest of his package after each blow. Dominik looked down at his shirt which was covered with a thick sheen of Zach sauce and feigned disgust, even holding the mallet like he was about to take it out on Zach’s nuts.
Zach screamed which made the audience roar in laughter.
“He got it all over my mallet!” Dominik dipped his finger into a puddle cum that had landed on the mallet’s head. The thick creamy liquid dripped from his fingers and Dominik noticed something striking about it. There were thin streaks of bright red mixed into Zach’s procreative juices that made it obvious Dominik was unleashing real damage. He looked up at the scoreboard; even after the latest round Zach still had eighty-two points meaning he was due up to eighty-two more blows before the end of the game.
Dominik drew a cum-mustache on Zach’s adorable face before moving on to Greg whose fat right nut suffered a serious rupture while his sack was being beaten seventeen times. At the end of it Greg was sobbing, his sack was a swollen mass of purple flesh and the once distinct bulges from each nut had swollen into an indistinct mass.
Kyle's turn was even worse. The runner’s body convulsed showing off his magnificence physique as his right nut catastrophically burst, breaking into three pieces in his bag. They would have been floating freely but ironically the extreme swelling kept the pieces wedged against each other making his broken ball look deceptively fine from the outside, aside from his sack’s black and purple appearance. Dominik had felt Kyle’s nut cracking and his cock twitched in his jeans, his excitement spilling over to the crowd where several watching men were rubbing their own bulges.
Last for the round was Nigel. Dominik knew that Nigel’s nuts had been starting to crack since the last round, and even though he still wanted to take the hairy stud back to his dressing room and fuck his brains out he didn’t hold back as he delivered two of the hardest blows he had delivered all night.
“Please! Oooooh!”
Nigel’s nearly foot long cock fired off a huge jet of semen that seemed to catch even the captured daddy by surprise. Nigel’s eyes were fixated on Dominik, his mind was racing with naughty fantasies and his hormones, at least for a moment, overwrote the furnace of searing agony between his legs.
Dominik looked on in amazement as Nigel’s swollen nuts churned out rope after rope of jizz that painted the floor in front of him.
Despite the swelling, Nigel’s nuts were still a healthy rose color lacking the welts and literal cracks that were forming on his fellow contestants' genitals. Granted Nigel had been extremely lucky by only being hit a total of twelve times in three rounds. Diego had taken fifteen hits in this round alone!
“We’ll be back after this commercial break!”
Come back next week for Round 4!