A small studio audience composed entirely of men sat in rafters looking down at a large, brightly lit stage where workers were busy making finishing touches but a black curtain hid most of the gameshow's mechanics from view. This was the first filming of a controversial new game show called The Nutsack Knockout which had promised to be a ratings bonanza due to its unapologetic premise. Ten men would compete for a chance to win a life-changing amount of money but instead of the losers going home just empty-handed, there was a very real possibility that they'd go home with an empty-sack. The exact mechanism hadn't been revealed in the pre-taping information but the promotional images featuring cracked walnuts, splattered eggs and deflated soccer balls made it clear it wasn't going to be pleasant for the losing players.
Finally the lights went low and rousing music filled the air and the audience didn't wait for the neon 'applause' sign to light up before erupting into cheers. Mixed into the jaunty instruments of the show's theme song were the unmistakable sounds of men screaming and moaning - most likely from nut pain - that had been autotuned to fit the music. "My balls are gone! My balls are gone!" came the anguished voice of some random young man, his normally deep voice pitched comically high to layer perfectly over the music; the audience burst into laughter.
Meanwhile a tall fit man wearing jeans, heavy boots and an untucked button up shirt sauntered onto the stage holding a microphone. Most of the audience recognized him instantly as Dominik Patterson, an MMA fighter who had become quite a draw thanks to his merciless below the belt fighting style. Dominik had permanently cracked at least a dozen nuts before the officials, who were more than willing to turn a blind eye for the sake of ratings, finally had to acknowledge his flagrant disregard for the rules and banned him from the ring. The grizzled yet handsome former-fighter didn't mind too much since his notoriety made him a darling for endorsement deals and cameos on shows like Nutsack Knockout. Funnily enough, he was a spokesman for an erectile dysfunction drug, ironic considering he had nearly ripped off an opponent's dick through his shorts.
"Welcome! Welcome! Are you guys ready for some fun!" Dominik called into his mic as he took center stage. His voice was deep but his enunciation was excellent, as if he was made to be a charismatic television host. He flashed a toothy, mischievous smile as the curtain finally rose revealing the complete setup for the coming gameshow. Spaced evenly across the length of the stage were ten large slabs of wood, about two feet wide and standing six feet tall, all of them painted with a high gloss white paint that was reflecting the dramatic studio lights shining overhead. At the top of each post were ambiguous symbols painted in black; a stylized snowflake, the outline of a flame, a pair of eyes wide open and a dumbbell. No one except the crew knew what they meant but they likely had something to do with how each contestant could potentially lose his nuts. Hovering above the middle of the stage were several enormous displays, one of which had a grid of squares numbered one to one hundred. The others were displaying an idling graphic of two cracked walnuts and the Nutsack Knockout logo.
“Welcome to the first taping of our new show Nutsack Knockout!” Dominik’s deep voice boomed over the audiences’ cheers.
It took nearly a minute of the stage hands signaling for quiet before the raucous crowd finally settled down and Dominik could begin to explain the rules of the game.
“Every round each player is gonna’ pick a square, one to one hundred, and behind that square is gonna be a number...”
As Dominik talked, two assistants wheeled out a muscular, anatomically correct male mannequin, about five foot ten, sporting a pair of egg-sized nuts that had been bound with rubber rings to force them to the bottom of its extremely-realistic looking bag. One of the secondary screens flashed to show a leaderboard with a single name “Demonstration Dummy’ showing a score of one hundred points. The other screen was showing a close up of the dummy’s bound sack, the hyper realistic skin glistening against the white backdrop of the wooden plank it had been placed in front of.
“So every contestant starts with one hundred points each time they pick a number...”
Dominik motioned toward the middle screen that had the grid of one hundred squares.
“There’s a random number from one to twenty. Every time they pick a number their score goes down by that amount and they’re eliminated when their score goes below zero.”
The crowd collectively leaned in, most of them fixated on the two very large proxy testicles on the second screen.
Dominik walked up the mannequin and put his hand on his shoulder, giving the dummy a look of mocking apology. A short while later a stage assistant rushed on stage to hand Dominik a comically large mallet, the head easily being five inches across on top of a thick wooden handle.
“So let’s say this guy picked the second square...”
The screen with the grid of squares flashed and the second square revealed a value of twenty.
Dominik chuckled as he grasped the mallet with both hands, being sure to stay out of the way of the camera that was focused on the dummy’s nuts.
Without ceremony he smashed the mallet twenty times into the proxy ball bag, making it swing and bounce against the plank behind it like a fleshy pendulum. The audience roared as they watched the two fat pseudo-nuts being pancaked over and over. At the same time the scoreboard for ‘Demonstration Dummy’ decreased by one point after each hit. When Dominik was done, the score was eighty.
Dominik gave the proxy testicles several more vicious whacks, the loud impacts making it obvious that the real pair in that predicament wouldn’t have been having a good time, before turning to the audience and chuckling.
“...and when a guy runs out of points, I get to unleash their ultimate punishment! And let’s just say they won’t be having any more kids! What is that you ask, well it depends on the symbol above them.”
Dominik pointed to a black flask, like something out of a laboratory, that had been painted above the dummy though it was still ambiguous what punishment the various symbols actually represented.
Dominik gave the fat rubbery nuts one more devastating blow, causing the left one to permanently dent, the comical image plastered on the screen overhead and the audience roared in laughter. He went on to explain that each symbol at the top of the planks represented an ultimate punishment tailor made for each contestant.
After Dominik slammed the proxy testicles until one of them popped out of the sack, the dummy was carted away and the ten real contestants sauntered on stage. All of them were naked, a few of them hard, smiling and waving at the audience as they stood in front of their pre-assigned wooden slabs, their backs against the blanche white wood facing the audience.
The first contestant was Juan, an extremely handsome Latino, somewhat short clocking in at only five foot two, but he was quite muscular - almost like a caricature of a short bodybuilder - sporting a pair of egg-sized nuts. The adorable middle aged man old stood in front of the slab of wood with a snowflake engraved on it as stage hands quickly got to work securing him in place.
Contestant number two was Lorenzo, a tall thirty year old Italian with shoulder length hair and a fit, svelte body. He waved to the crowd as he stepped under the position with an ambiguous round circle on it.
Next was Alex, a twenty-eight year old blonde who exuded cockiness as he strode onto the stage, his truly enormous babymakers literally swinging between his thighs like a pendulum as he walked. The fit lad nodded with unearned confidence as he took his place on stage.
Kabe was next. The thirty-eight year was well over six feet tall with a thick beard that framed his strikingly handsome face. His lack of body fat made his abs stand in sharp relief. His abs were so well defined that one couldn’t help but follow them down to his crotch and his round nuts which were so huge the seemingly shy thirty-year old almost seemed embarrassed by them, holding his hands over his crotch as he walked. His torso and neck were covered with tattoos and his striking cheek and eyebrow bones made his face look like a couture model.
Raphael was next, a jaunty nineteen year old Australian who skipped whilst he walked to purposefully show off his modest yet dense low hangers. The teenager clapped his hands before he took his place on stage and his arms were tied behind his back as he took his place on stage.
Contestant six was Diego, a twenty year old Mexican with blonde tips on the ends of his jet black hair. He was tall with a pair of huge fuzzy nuts that were tight against his body.
The seventh and eighth contestants were Zach and Greg, respectively. Zach was a handsome twenty-three year old blonde with a fit swimmer’s build, a handsome smile and a pair of fat ovals swinging between his sack nearly as low as Alex’s. Greg was a ridiculously handsome British thirty-something with vivid red hair and a medium athletic but not overly-muscular build. His toothy Devil-may-care grin made him look younger than he was and he radiated a sense of optimism and excitement that totally contradicted the grave danger he was putting his manhood in. As his arms were being tied behind his back and his legs secured to the wood slab he was standing in front of he gave the audience one last smile as he waited for the games to begin.
Kyle and Nigel were the final two contestants. Twenty-five year old Kyle was so handsome Dominik was surprised he wasn’t a literal model. The athletic Black man had a set of hefty nuts swinging between his runner’s legs. Nigel was a rugged looking forty-year old with a mess of shaggy black hair on top of his round face, a thick beard and thick black hair covering his pecs and abs and a pair of plump oval nuts stretching his sack nearly bursting between his legs.
As playful music sounded in the area, all ten contestants were secured tightly to their respective white wood slabs. Their arms were tied tightly behind their backs, straps were secured across their chests and abs to hold them upright and in place, their legs were bound wide and spread open by ropes that were wrapped around their thighs, calves and ankles then tied around the back of the posts making them totally incapable of closing their legs. Most importantly all ten pairs of nuts had been forced to the absolute bottom of their sacks by at least a dozen thick silicone rings hugging the necks of their sacks. For the low hangers like Alex and Nigel it was at worst mildly uncomfortable but for contestants like Diego with a naturally tight sack the strong tug was creating an unbearable ache on their boys. Regardless of their natural swing, the rings had achieved their desired effect, causing all ten pairs of heavy testicles to be pulled so far in their bags that the skin was stretched, shiny and looking extremely vulnerable, especially when compared to the bright white, hard surface they were hovering in front of. The cameras panned all of the contestant’s defenseless bags, lingering over each set just long enough for the audience to burst into cheers.
For the player’s benefit, Dominik briefly went over the rules again and pointed out that a scoreboard was also hanging over the audience facing the stage so that the contestants could see their scores.
“...Oh, and one more thing! There are special symbols hidden on the board. Just to keep things fun!”
The screens showed an animation of two 3D stars rotating, one red and one yellow. Text and a pleasant sounding female voice explained each symbol’s purpose.
“A red star will instantly reduce a player’s score to zero and unleash their ultimate punishment!”
Alex gulped.
Dominik flexed his muscles as he eyed the players, lingering over Kabe’s tatted, fit body. The handsome man looked at Dominik pleadingly but that only seemed to fill Dominik with more bloodlust.
“...and if someone finds a yellow star, the score for two random players will drop immediately to zero and they’ll be out of the game.”
The audience whooped in delight as the contestants eyed each other nervously. The game was already going to be a wild crap shoot but the last minute twist of having instant-elimination made the stakes so much higher. Greg was visibly sweating, Juan was shaking though no one could tell since his small muscly body was tied so tightly in place, his legs permanently spread and his fat huevos in full display, easily accessible.
A neon sign lit up telling the audience to applaud, as if they needed any motivation, as Dominik announced they were cutting to a commercial break before the game began. During the break, Dominik and the stage assistants walked up to each player and placed a small bright yellow pill into his mouth and each contestant obediently swallowed it. Kabe seemed especially nervous and his heart was pounding as he felt the pill slide down his throat. Within less than a minute he felt his dick start to get heavy as it started swelling fuller and thicker with each heartbeat. By the time the commercial break was over all ten cocks were at maximum hardness, jutting out away from their bodies and looking so bloated Dominik was surprised some of the fat dicks weren’t bursting like sausages. Whatever drug the contestants had been given was clearly effective; Nigel was so aroused he was moaning as his pumped up cock throbbed sticking out nearly a foot from his body with its huge mushroom head bright red and literally dripping with precum.
“Welcome back!” Dominik announced to the audience at home.
“So we’ve given our studs a little something to keep their cocks out of the way,” Dominik chuckled as he walked up to Alex and grabbed the blonde’s enormous ten inch cock with his hand. Alex gasped in pleasure and his eyes rolled back in his head, he felt like he was going to blow his pent up load just from Dominik’s rough touch.
“...We wouldn’t want those floppy dicks to block the view,”
The camera panned over each contestant's crotch. With their dicks permanently hard and protruding it made the bound hanging nuts look even more endangered. Dominik walked the line checking out each contestant, checking their bindings and gratuitously fondling their horse dicks and defenseless balls.
“Nice set!” Dominik remarked in genuine praise when he got to Kabe. He ran his hands down Kabe’s chiseled, slim stomach until grasping his truly gargantuan fourteen inch dick with both hands, squeezing it viscously.
Kabe let out a gasp of pleasure mixed with a squeal of pain as a stream of precum oozed out of his dick. He moaned despite his growing panic as the drugs made him feel so horny he thought he was going to cum on the spot. Dominik finished his examination by cupping Kabe’s big ball bag in his hands and giving them a playful squeeze.
“I can’t wait to pop these,” he whispered in Kabe’s ear with a twisted malice that filled Kabe’s chest with a quickening panic.
After he was done with his inspection, rousing music ushered in the start of the game. The screens all flashed ‘Round One’.
(more detailed contestant profiles can be found on the Meet the Contestants page here)
Tune in next week for Round 1!
Hey Happy New Year, glad you back to post hot story ;-)
ReplyDeleteHope great Big Balls Bust Year 2025 ;-)
So hot! I can‘t wait to read what‘ll happen!
ReplyDeleteGreat to aee you are back writing! I'm looking forward to part two!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you’re back!