These stories are entirely works of fantasy fiction. Please do not act anything on this blog out. Doing so would be extremely dangerous.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Nutsack Knockout - Round 6


Catch up on the last installment here!


Before the next round started, the horny corporate lawyer joined Dominik on the stage and patted him on the back. “Dominik, how you finished that last guy was fucking perfect! Our data shows it’s the most replayed moment on streaming we’ve had this year! Our sponsors love this!” The lawyer’s slacks were wet from the load he had spilled watching Alex’s violent nutting. “Keep up the good work!” Dominik’s spent cock lurched as he looked at the pile of gunk, formerly known as Alex’s nuts, that was on the floor. He had never damaged a dude that much but it made him hornier than ever and also a little concerned. Alex just had a hole blown into his body, clearly that constituted a medical emergency. “Um, you have medics here, right? Like I just broke that dude’s sack like a pinata...” As if on cue, Alex was quickly untied and carted off the stage, much to Dominik’s relief. He knew these guys had signed up to have their worlds wrecked but actually seeing a dude’s sack burst open made him concerned about the practical ramifications of a guy having his scrotum blown to pieces. The lawyer, despite being incredibly turned on by the prospect of more sacks bursting open like pinatas, got instantly serious. “Death is bad for ratings. Don’t worry, all of your play toys are gonna' be able to go home to mommy," he laughed. Dominik smiled but looked over at Nigel with a tiny amount of guilt. He wasn’t opposed to ruining his junk - after all that was Dominik’s literal job - but now that Nigel had nothing left in his bag, Dominik wasn’t sure what else he was supposed to do with them. The lawyer seemed to pick up on Dominik's thought. “Just keep pounding them! We made these pedestals white for a reason, Dominik! Our audience wants to see the splatter! They want the mess!” The lawyer winked as he pointed at the wall that had been behind Alex, its gleaming white surface was sprayed with testicle gore, dripping with chunks and oozing with goo. The lawyer was about to retake his seat but turned to Dominik and said; “But we need to keep the sacks at least somewhat recognizable for the rest of the game so...” The man motioned for one of the stage hands to come up, who traded Dominik with a mallet that looked identical to the one that he had but was significantly lighter. Dominik smiled as the handsome stage hand disappeared behind the scenes. A rousing musical score marked the official beginning of round six. Dominik was again alone on the stage with the remaining nine players, a pile of gunk still on the floor where Alex had been tied up, and bounced the mallet against the palm of his hand, smiling evilly at the contestants who hadn’t realize the mallet had been switched to something far less devastating but still visually intimidating. Most of the men were in too much agony to pick their own squares, so the computer selected them. The box selected for Kabe was the yellow star penalty item and the system randomly selected two players - Greg and Lorenzo - to have their scores drop instantly to zero! The two hollered in terror after seeing how completely Dominik had destroyed Alex’s man bag and knew they were next. Dominik flashed Lorenzo a wicked grin. He was going to punish the other guys on stage first before relieving Lorenzo and Greg of their bloated testicles. Juan endured nineteen blows and though his nuts had been cracked, the much lighter mallet achieved its goal; it gave an impressive visual for the cameras without inflicting too much more damage to his testicles. Though the mallet was much lighter, Juan’s screams of agony indicated the pain was still unbearable. Lorenzo would have been next had he not been chosen to be eliminated this round. Dominik stood in front of him and cupped Lorenzo's swollen, purple Italian soccer balls in his calloused hands giving them a viscous squeeze, chuckling softly as he looked at Lorenzo in his terrified brown eyes. “P-p-please! Please don’t!” Lorenzo was trembling, pleading with Dominik as he glanced up at the symbol on Lorenzo’s pedestal. It was a simple round circle painted in black. Only Dominik and the crew knew what it meant, but judging by the growing bulge in Dominik’s crotch he was extremely excited to unleash Lorenzo's ultimate punishment. “Oh, I’ll be back for you, stud!” Dominik leaned in and gave Lorenzo a peck on the cheek as he walked over to Kabe. Kabe was next, but since he had chosen a special symbol he wasn’t actually owed any hits. That didn’t stop Dominik from pretending to slam the mallet into his balls multiple times, the audience erupting in laughter each time Kabe’s cute face warped in terror at the non-existent blows. Raphael was next. The Australian’s teen’s cracked nuts bounced wildly under the mallet and he screamed in utter agony even though he could tell the mallet hits weren’t as bad as they had been the previous round though the spectacle of his sack bouncing still made the audience roar in approval Dominik delivered all eleven blows with deadly accuracy, causing hideous welts to spread across his sack. Diego was due seventeen hits. The twenty year old Mexican pleaded with Dominik as he smashed the mallet into his swollen testicles which were still being pulled violently at the bottom of his sack, causing his huge nuts to form two perfect spheres which made Dominik’s aim effortless. Diego wailed in a high pitch squeal as his burst right nut continued to crack; even with the lighter, more cosmetic mallet Dominik was still able to deliver testicle-ending blows to the handsome tall stud. Dominik chuckled to himself as he thought about the ruined state of Diego’s busted nuts He took his place in front of Zach who was owed six blows. The terrified blonde’s sack bounced wildly under the mallet. Greg would have been up next but Dominik just blew him a kiss as if to say ‘kiss your boys goodbye’. Greg pleaded with Dominik but his deep, throating pleas just made Dominik’s cock hard. He wanted to get through the last few guys so he could finish off Lorenzo and Greg. Dominik made his way to Kyle who hollered as both of his fractured gonads were slammed into the wall. He moved on to Nigel whose mushy bag deformed almost completely under each of the fifteen hits he was owed. Nigel’s eyes crossed and he thought he was going to pass out but the drugs he’d been administered kept him perfectly alert. Finally it was the end of the round and time for Greg and Lorenzo, who had both been eliminated, to have their nut sacks totally ruined. Dominik stood in front of Lorenzo first and patted the pleading, ridiculously handsome Italian man on his shoulder as a stage assistant hopped on stage and handed Dominik something. Lorenzo's eyes grew comically huge in terror - so big in fact that the audience was riotous with laughter as Lorenzo's horror-contorted face was shown on the screen, his eyes replaced with cartoonish googly eyes. Dominik strapped on a knee pad that was so heavy it was almost difficult for the athletic man to lift his leg, which he did several times as he practiced his aim, coming just centimeters away from ramming Lorenzo’s swollen, massive baby makers. “So Lorenzo here is a junior league soccer player, so we figured it would be fitting to finish him off with off like I’m juggling a soccer ball,” Dominik continued to practice his aim with the heavy knee pad. The front, the part covering his wide knee, was covered in small metal bumps - and some not so small - that were sure to cause serious damage once Dominik started really kicking. “Let’s count down! Say bye to your nuts!” “Five...” “No! No! Please!” “Four...” “PLEASE!” “Three...” “God, don’t! Please!” Lorenzo screamed. “Two...” Lorenzo was filling the studio with a deep, incoherent babble. “One...!” CRUNCH! CRUNCH Dominik had grabbed both of Lorenzo's shoulders to use for leverage and was rocketing his reinforced knee over and over into Lorenzo's’ crotch, mercilessly squashing his swollen nuts into his pelvis. Lorenzo would have dropped to the ground if not for his tight restraints. CRUNCH Dominik loved the visceral feeling of Lorenzo's truly fat nuts flattening and warping under his knee, flattening out dangerously after each blow. To add to the damage Dominik was using his sizable upper body strength to press Lorenzo downward, perfectly timing it with each kick so that Lorenzo's balls were further flattened. The violent impacts were causing Lorenzo's fat dick to bob up and down, causing the organ to stiffen despite the pain. Multiple camera angles were showing the absolute massacre of two of the biggest intact nuts on the stage but it was obvious they weren’t going to stay that way yet the horny motherfucker's cock continued to throb looking like it was going to shoot at any minute. CRUNCH The metal studs and bumps on the knee pad were applying pin-point pressure all over the thick bruised membranes surrounding Lorenzo's testicles and soon cracks were propagating their internal surface with each blow. Lorenzo screamed and screamed, his pelvic bone was starting to bruise which didn’t bode well for the fat nuts trapped in between yet despite everything, thanks to the drugs he'd been given, his wildly swinging dick was throbbing and dripping precum. CRUNCH Lorenzo’s eyes crossed as his beefy right nut cracked in two, the sensation causing his cock to violently expel it's load in a single, incredibly thick shot of semen that drenched Dominik as he was sweating in effort. Dominik slammed his knee over and over into Lorenzo, nearly shooting when he felt Lorenzo's left nut explode. Dominik could feel Lorenzo's battered orb flatten as it had so many times before only this time it just kept getting flatter and flatter until it erupted into mushy nothingness and Dominik’s knee was nearly flush with Lorenzo’s taught crotch. Lorenzo's right nut lasted dozens of more blows before one half shattered and his cock finally started to deflate. CRUNCH Lorenzo passed out as the last chunk of his right testicle burst into goo. But Dominik just kept going and going, the impacts were loud and sounded mushy and devastating as more and more of Lorenzo's former balls were liquified. Dominik didn’t stop until he felt a warm, surprisingly gooey spray all over his pants when Lorenzo’s sack ruptured open, spilling a copious amount of its insides all over Dominik’s leg, his sculptured thighs and the floor. Moans filled the studio as audience members blew their loads left and right. Some who had already lost it earlier when Alex was eliminated squirted out another load as the disgusting explosion of Lorenzo's sack was played on a loop in glorious slow motion. Although Dominik was strong, Lorenzo’s nuts were tough and his unmanning was not a quick process. It took nearly a half hour to get to the finale which was causing Greg to sweat bullets knowing he was up next. SPLAT Dominik delivered a totally unnecessary final kick to Lorenzo's deflated soccer balls causing a massive slug of unrecognizable sludge to be ejected where it landed with a loud splat on the floor. Before the stagehands could come to take him down Dominik delivered four more full-force knees. SPLAT! By the time Dominik stepped aside to let the crew untie Lorenzo, at least half the contents of his sack were now on the ground in a pile of procreate gore. Dominik pressed his heel into the pile and pressed down delighted by the slight squishing sound as the testicle puree oozed from under his boot. “Your turn!” he smiled as he stood in front of Greg. Greg was shaking like a leaf, all the cockiness he had when he had stepped on stage had melted away. “So Greg here is an internet influencer, he lives for attention! So why don’t we give him some!” On the screens facing the audience ten seemingly random numbers were displayed. There was a moment of confusion before someone in the audience, a beefy blonde teenager whose jeans were already covered in a sheen of jizz jumped up and shouted. The numbers were not random, they were the seat confirmation numbers from the audiences’ tickets and ten of them had been chosen to un-man Greg! The ten men made their way on stage as a table full of instruments was wheeled out. Dominik briefly explained the rules; there weren’t any! The men could use anything on the table, or their fists, boots or whatever else they could find to turn Greg’s already damaged, huge nuts into a stain. The only stipulation was that they couldn’t stand in two specific spots that had been marked on the floor. “We don’t wanna block the cameras!” Dominik laughed. Dominik stepped back as the audience members, some of whom had been watchers of Greg’s online channel, descended on Greg’s defenseless nuts like animals. The teen went first, slamming a hammer into Greg’s cracked nuts full force. Greg screamed as another man struck his sack with a baseball bat. A moment later one of his nuts had been ensnared in a pair of pliers and the other was in a man’s mouth who was biting down on it as hard as he could. SQUICK One of Greg’s nuts cracked completely. Another man used his fist to deliver several punches. They were nothing compared to the hammer blows Dominik had been doing but he wanted to get his bare hands on Greg’s big nuts. Another baseball bat, another hammer. SQUICK The man with the pliers cracked Greg’s right nut into goo. More kicks. More punches with brass knuckles. Two of the guys worked together to slam two large mallets into each other with Greg’s bloated sack trapped in between. CRUNCH Greg’s eyes rolled in his head. His nuts were becoming liquified as the lucky ravenous audience members continued to go to town on him. Once it was visually obvious that there was nothing left of Greg’s boys Dominik took two heavy, sharp hooks and ruthlessly plunged them into what was left of Greg’s plums. They stuck out like giant macabre piercings and attached to each end was a thick long length of rope. At first the watching men were confused before Dominik explained that five of them would grab one rope and the other would grab the other and start pulling in opposite directions. Greg wailed as the men pulled his mutilated balls apart, his sack stretching further and further until his scrotum catastrophically ripped, sending all ten audience members tumbling to the ground in laughter like children whose tug of war rope had broken. Greg passed out as everything that had been inside his bag spilled onto the ground, there were just shreds still attached of his enormous scrotum and the size of the mess was unbelievable. Each man took a turn stomping it on their way back to the risers and by the last one - the blonde teen - had stomped down Greg’s nut gunk was beyond unrecognizable. Dominik rubbed his cock through his jeans as Greg was untied and finally taken off stage, the handsome red head looking like he was just sleeping as he was carted off stage. “Not exactly the kind of audience participation Greg was looking for, huh?” Dominik laughed.

Come back next week for the next round!

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