These stories are entirely works of fantasy fiction. Please do not act anything on this blog out. Doing so would be extremely dangerous.

Friday, May 30, 2014

POPS: Oops

It was hot.  Even though the sun was just starting to disappear behind the canyon like wall of office buildings that surrounded the 19th century brick and masonry church nestled in the heart of the City, the temperature was still a balmy ninety degrees.  From the outside, the ornate little building, directly in the shadow of a soaring office tower, was a symbol of a quieter era frozen in time.  Inside, however, the usually quite church was awash with noisy activity.

Air that usually carried Catholic hymns was instead filled with nailing, hammering and the sound of heavy machinery as a work crew feverishly worked to get the church open for its grand reopening in just a few days.  The renovation had fallen woefully behind schedule and none felt the pressure more than thirty-four year old Jason, the foreman to the stone masons who were rebuilding a brick wall in the rear of the church.  Where there should have been a forty foot high stone wall was instead a wall that was fifteen feet in some sections and at most thirty in others encased in scaffolding.  The glittering twenty-first century downtown was visible from beyond the wall as if somehow had punched a huge hole into the side of the building.

"Let's get this finished!"

Jason was barking orders up to a crew of men thirty feet up who were laying out rows of granite stones the size of phone books on the cat walk. But instead of putting the bricks onto the wall, they were carefully removing them from the already-setting portion of the wall. The stones had been individually numbered when the wall was originally taken down and now, half way through the project, it was discovered that they were building the wall upside down.

The building wasn't air conditioned so Jason's white T-shirt clung to his sweaty, modest chest.  He wiped his shaggy blonde hair out of his hands, wrung them in frustration and then proceeded to climb up the scaffolding to the men's location.  He was wearing a hard hat, but in his haste had forgone a safety harness or even safety goggles.  His face was turning grey from plaster dust and his jeans which were already tight now felt even more restrictive as he made his way up the scaffolding.  That's when it happened.

At the fifteen foot mark, Jason's pant leg got stuck on an exposed bolt in the scaffolding frame and, when he tried to pull his leg away he became off balance.


The trip to the ground seemed instantaneous for Jason who had the wind knocked out of him as he landed.  He was laying flat on his back with a shooting pain in his chest and back.

"Don't move! Don't move! Back injury!"

A young mason who had been in the group Jason was trying to reach called down to his boss and Jason, who was in no condition to get up anyway, complied.  In their haste to get down to a still sprawled out Jason, one of the men kicked over a stack of four granite bricks from the catwalk.

Jason watched as if in slow motion as the heavy bricks came toward him. He covered his head instinctively with his crossed arms...


Jason blacked out immediately, not even screaming as the stones landed in rapid succession on the modest bulge at the intersection of his open legs. Even with his ears still ringing from the fall, right before he blacked out Jason clearly made out the internal echoing crunch of both of his balls and his dick bursting under the stone.  The stack of stones had landed with such force that Jason's pelvic bone was broken in three places, so there was absolutely nothing left of Jason's manhood except a memory.



Seventeen year old Doug and two other employees made his rounds around the small entertainment complex where he worked after school ushering frightened customers toward the door.  A freak summer storm had just passed over town and now the lights in the darkened arcade were flickering on and off.  Even though it was now bright and sunny outside, inside the arcade was nearly black except for the occasional burst of light and friendly electronic anthems that came out of arcade games that flickered to life for an instance before the power went out again.

"Are all the kids out of the ball pits?" he asked as a coworker passed him.

She nodded and made her way toward a crowd of people who were too scared to leave despite the all clear siren blaring outside.

Doug was nearly seven feet tall and lanky, easily towering over the mostly preteen customers around him.  Because of his height, buying pants with a proper inseam was always a chore and the khakis he was wearing that day were no exception.  They were so short, they ended well above his ankle and were too small in the waist as well, resulting in a pair of very tight pants.  His large oval testicles made an almost comical bulge in his pants, the outline of each clearly visible.

"I'm gonna' go check the batting cages again. I think I saw some kids going out there,"

The other coworker nodded at Doug's update as he made his way out to the batting cage area. The lanky teenager checked each stall using the light of his cellphone to make sure there weren't any mischievous kids hiding out.  The overhead lighting in the cage area was flickering and stayed on for only a few seconds at a time.  Doug nearly tripped over a hastily-thrown down baseball bat.

"Fucking kids!" he cursed to no one in particular as he got up.

His knees were dirty, his ankle felt twisted and, to his dismay, his shiny new Nokia Lumia phone had a large crack across the screen.  He frowned as he inspected the damage and had just tucked it back into his pocket when it began to ring.

"No, we're fine here."

It was Doug's manager calling to check on the situation and Doug assured him that other than a felled light in the parking lot and a few arcade games that appeared to have shorted during the power surges, everything in the store was fine.

"Great to hear! I'm watching the news and it looks bad over that way.  You guys just be careful, just lock up and go.  Don't even bother putting up closed signs,"

Doug chatted with his boss for a bit, absentmindedly walking toward the pitching machines.  His boss was going on about some kind of emergency response plan as Doug walked over a solid yellow line marked 'WARNING' that had been painted on the floor. The flickering lights and commotion from inside the arcade made it seem like he was in the middle of a post apocalyptic thriller.

"Okay Mr. Quigley, we shouldn't be too much longer...:"

By now Mr. Quigley was just talking in circles, apparently more shaken up about the brush with the tornado than people who were actually in the store.  Doug turned toward the doorway and saw one of his coworkers motioning for him to which he made a circle in the air with his finger -- acknowledged short hand for 'Mr. Quigley'. The coworker rolled her eyes and returned back into the darkened arcade.   Doug was trying to force an end to the conversation with Mr. Quigley with phrases like "Okay, I gotta' go now...:" and was about to simply hangup and blame it on poor reception when suddenly the batting area became extremely bright.

Although it wasn't actually any brighter than normal, the lights had been flickering in random patterns so long that having them all turn properly on was a shock to Doug's eyes.  The theme music to all of the popular arcade games could be heard coming from the arcade and some of the children actually cheered. And that's when it happened.

"Finally!"  Doug sighed just as his relief was interrupted by a booming male voice.

"Batter up!"

Doug, who had wandered to within three feet of the baseball pitching machine was startled at how loud the voice that announced the beginning of play actually was.  It always sounded so faint from the bating cages..


Without warning, the newly-revived pitching machines fired in unison as if the power had never gone out.  Doug didn't even realize what was happening when...


The machine directly in front of Doug shot out a baseball at near point-blank range that collided squarely with his bulging nuts.  Doug let out a howl and dropped to his knees clutching his crotch but it was too late.  His left nut had been totally annihilated, turned almost instantly into goo. His right had popped too, though not nearly as spectacularly as its twin.  The skinny kid writhed on the ground and wailed in falsetto as a bloody stain began to form in the crotch of his too-tight khakis.

Twenty-two year old Marshall whistled and winked at an attractive young blonde girl as she strutted passed him at the park.  It had been an abnormally cold winter and a cool spring, so when the forecast called for an unseasonably warm, sunny weekend, Marshall wasted no time organizing an impromptu cookout at the park.  The park was little more than an undeveloped field of weeks among the row upon row of housing projects, but it was park enough for Marshall and his homies. It was a cloudless bright afternoon and Marshall and two of his friends had fired up a small barbecue grill in the shade of a maple tree, almost exactly in the middle of the park.  All around them children ran around playing, old ladies briskly power walked and teenagers smoked and sipped vodka disguised as lemonade.

"Hey cutie..." the blonde girl smiled back before being visibly startled by barking.

Marshall's friend Taylor, a relatively short blonde teenager, struggled to restrain his dog Monster on an obviously too flimsy leash.  Monster was a rottweiler mix who stood nearly three feet on all fours with an enormous head, yet despite his viscous sounding barking his tail was wagging in playful excitement as he attempted to lay chase to the young woman.

The blonde recovered from her brief fright, smiled at Marshall and his friends again and jotted off to catch up to two other equally pretty young girls walking near by.

When she caught up with them, they all looked back at Marshall and his friends and winked, before laughing and going about their day.

"Eh, let 'em laugh, yo'. Dumb bitches,"  Marshall said laughing, just loud enough for the girls to over hear him.

Marshall was six foot of pure, gym conditioned muscle complete with a rippling set of abs, powerful looking arms and thick, meaty thighs.  He had hidden his physique under baggy sweaters and sweatpants all winter but now was showing off the fruits of his workouts wearing only a pair of baggy white athletic shorts that contrasted with his bronze skin.  Even though his knee-length running shorts were baggy Marshall's enormous package could be seen occasionally as a massive bulge whenever he turned his body a certain way.  Each of his hairy, sweating nuts was as large as a baseball and his cock was nine inches flaccid, though it was almost always hard due to his non stop hormones.

Marshall turned his attention back to the grill and his friends' banter, but never missing the opportunity to wink and nod at any hot girl who walked by.  He hadn't blown a load in nearly a week and he felt like his over full balls were going to burst.  His eyes landed on his buddy Chad's taught six pack abs and he suddenly had a vivid flashback to a night the previous summer when he and Chad had tag teamed a blonde bimbo all night long.  Marshall had blown multiple loads that night, including one that had inadvertently landed all over Chad's rugged face.  The three had been fucking so hard and in so many positions, Marshall couldn't remember exactly how Chad's face had ended up in the line of fire, but he remembered clearly how Chad had licked the thick cum rope off his lip and gave Marshall a wink... If he got any hornier - and the local girls continued to be non-receptive - Marshall wouldn't be opposed to chatting up Chad again and ending the night blowing his week-long load all over the muscle boy's face.

The thought of cumming, especially all over a closeted muscle hunk's face, was getting Marshall so excited that for a moment he started to slip on his grill master duties.

"Yo' wake up, dawg, you're burning the meat,"  one of Marshall's friends called out, snapping Marshall out of his day dream state.

"Eh', I got this,"

Monster barked loudly, his tail wagging like crazy and trails of drool forming from his mouth as he eyed the grill, Taylor seemingly using all his strength to constrain him. Marshall carefully turned all but one of the pieces of barbecue before using the tongs to grasp the last piece, a juicy sirloin, and flipping it dramatically into the air. His buddies laughed as the over-shot hunk of meat flew over Marshall's head, flopped over and came down with a wet splat that landed on Marshall's' chest. slid down to his crotch and finally landed at Marshall's feet.

"Goddam it!" Marshall said looking down at the large red patch of sauce and meat juices that now stained the front of his shorts.

"That's your piece, man. Tryin' to be fancy," someone joked.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Marshall bent down to retrieve the steak, hoping he could just brush off the grass and dirt and that's when it happened.


Taylor shouted at the animal as it broke free of his leash and lunged onto Marshall, who was still bent over.  The confused stud was knocked flat on his back, his beefy legs spread wide, and had barely registered what was happening before he felt a devastating, sharp pain from his loins.

Monster's huge jaws opened around the juice covered mound in Marshall's shorts and chomped.  Chad and Taylor watched in horror as Monster's pointy incisor sliced through Marshall's shorts and completely through his enormous left nut.

"Aaaaaah! Get'em off me! Get him off!""

Marshall flailed and succeeded in partially standing up.  A stunned Chad reached for Monster and attempted to pull him off of Marshall, not realizing that the dog had Marshall's meaty nut trapped in its jaws...


Marshall collapsed in agony as Monster pulled his neck back, stretching Marshall's nut to its breaking point.  The huge organ separated from Marshall's body with a disgusting ripping sound and stayed round for only a few seconds before Monster's jaws ground it into paste.  Monster and Chad fell backward as Marshall lay in the field clutching his bloody groin.

"Holy shit! Holy shit!"

Taylor was too stunned to even move as he watched Monster regain his footing, walk over Chad's body and lunge again at Marshall's crotch.  Marshall watched terrified as the dog's mouth compressed around his last nut.  He hysterically punched at the dog's face and pleaded for help from Chad, who was again trying to pry the dog off, and Taylor who was still too stunned to move.

Marshall's right ball was trapped in Monster's molars and was being compressed flatter and flatter by the unbearable pressure.

"Oh God!"

Marshall knew his ball was about to burst like a cherry tomato inside the dog's mouth and despite his and Chad's muscles there was apparently nothing they could do about it.


Marshall's ball was being pressed flatter and flatter... and flatter and flatter.  His enormous, sperm filled nut was nearly about to burst when Monster abruptly loosed his grip on the meaty treat.  For a split second Marshall thought he was going to be spared before...


In one mighty chomp, Monster's jaws closed so hard and so fast around the already batterd, baseball sized nut that it exploded, sending chunks of nut meat splattering his rippled abs.  Marshall let out an unearthly shriek and passed out, but Monster wasn't finished.

"Help me!" Chad, whose taught muscles were useless against the crazed animal, pleaded with Taylor.

Monster bit again into Marshall's bloody crotch, his fangs piercing Marshall's limp, thick cock over and over until chunks of it started to disapear down Monster's throat.  It had been only a matter of seconds since Monster had initially knocked Marshall over, but for the horrified young men it felt like ages.  It was all the time Monster needed to turn Marshall's pornographically huge package into shredded gore and dog food.


Chad fell backward, having finally pulled Monster off of his friend.  Monster's tail was no longer wagging as he gulped down a chunk of Marshall's mutilated cock.  The heavy animal was now resting on Chad's chest, his massive head and jaws, still dripping with Marshall's blood, were poised to strike the young muscle hunk's own mounding crotch.

Monster licked his chops before burying his head into Chad's ample manhood.

Chad wailed, desperately trying to get the heavy animal off of him and Taylor threw up as Monster turned Chad's equally impressive balls and cock into unrecognizable, chewed and shredded meat.



  1. Love these stories! More more!

  2. HAHA the third story was funny as fuck, I bet everybody laughed their asses off as they saw the jock losing his worthless nuts, just imagine his reaction as it was happening... not so manly lol. Hope the dog is ok btw


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