These stories are entirely works of fantasy fiction. Please do not act anything on this blog out. Doing so would be extremely dangerous.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

POPS: Happy Easter


At first, Josh and his buddies laughed off the group of a dozen scantily clad jocks - dressed like Playboy Easter Bunnies - as a prank. The weirdos had suddenly appeared on the base and everyone was roaring with laughter until the first testicles started to fly. After that all Hell broke loose and the air was filled with high pitched wails as the bunnies destroyed sack after sack in a horrifyingly-uniform manner...

Josh looked up in horror at the demonic Easter Bunny mask staring down at him. The tall, bronzed muscle stud wearing only, a tight polka-dot jock strap and a hideous scowling Easter Bunny mask who had been chasing Josh finally caught up to him, knocking him to the ground and ripping off his camo fatigues. Josh had been running full sprint but the hunky Easter Bunny seemed hardly deterred. 

Josh had seen what the Evil Bunnies had done to the other guys they had caught and he begged on his knees for mercy.

"My, what big eggs you have!" came a strange, modulated voice from the other side of the mask.

Realizing that the Evil Bunny was laser-focused on his huge swinging bag, Josh abandoned begging and tried to flee...

He let out a shriek of pain as the Evil Bunny reached down and, clutched his sack, squeezing it with inhuman strength, crushing and squeezing, causing fractures to erupt all over the surface of Josh's nuts. Josh had taken his share of low blows but this guy was ridiculous. He was literally inhuman...

"What the hell are you!" Josh screamed out in panic.

"I'm the Easter Bunny..."

The demented man, or whatever it was, proceeded to yank Josh's sack until it ripped wide open. With another yank and a devastated scream from Josh, his testicles were freed from his body. Josh - too stunned and shocked to move - watched as the Evil Bunny tossed his left egg on the ground and held up its slightly larger twin.

"Such a huge egg..."

The Evil Bunny pressed Josh's egg between its thumb and fingers...


Josh's eyes bugged out as he watched his disembodied nut split open and its gory insides squirt out like a child  breaking a marshmallow filled candy egg. Josh got woozy and passed out, his hands desperately clutching his wrecked scrotum. 


The Evil Bunny tossed Josh's cracked nut into the bloody, dripping wicker basket it was carrying, which was overflowing with equally huge eggs, and went off to hunt down his next victim...

Happy Easter from Whistle!

Come back tomorrow (5 April) for a second Easter-themed tale of cracked eggs!


  1. I loved that incredible drawing and the brutal story, I hope that the Evil Bunny take more big eggs at that way.


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